New eBook Alert: Dive into Sustainability Marketing at AU Library

Sustainability Marketing: New Directions and Practices
Published: 2021
Authors: Rishi Raj Sharma, Tanveer Kaur, Amanjot Singh Syan
Database: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainability Marketing
The AU Library is excited to announce the addition of a new eBook to our collection: Sustainability Marketing: New Directions and Practices. This extensive resource is tailored for post-graduate programs and researchers in the marketing field, designed to equip students and practitioners with essential concepts, frameworks, and techniques for making informed strategic decisions centered around sustainability.

Key Features:
Chapter Highlights: Each chapter begins with key highlights and learning objectives.
Global Examples: Includes various international examples, exhibits, and case studies illustrating vital aspects of sustainability in marketing management.
Engaging Content: Clear illustrations, precise text, and lucid language make the study of sustainability marketing both interesting and engaging.
Discussion Prompts: Each chapter concludes with discussion questions and critical thinking queries to foster individual and group learning experiences.

This book integrates the concept of sustainability into traditional marketing strategies, encouraging readers to view these strategies through a sustainability lens. It explores how sustainability can be integrated as a market strategy, emphasizing the alignment of organizational strategic marketing intents with consumers' growing demand for sustainable products.

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