Great God, who can change lifeless stones into sons of Abraham,

say but one word and it will be enough

to send good workers to gather in your harvest

and missionaries worthy of the name to work in your Church.

 -St.Louis de Montfort 

      The Company of Mary, more popularly known as the Montfort Missionaries, is a Catholic religious community of priests and brothers seeking to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Like our founder, we have come to know Jesus as the original missionary whose life was spent seeking out those who were lost and bringing the freedom of the gospel to a world longing for God.      We were founded in 1716 by Louis de Montfort, a French priest who dedicated himself to challenging all Christians to throw open the doors of their hearts to the power of the gospel and the presence of Christ among the very poorest. In living our vocation we strive to continue this mission of renewing the fires of the gospel in the heart of the Church.       We learn from Mary, the mother of Jesus, what it means to open our lives to the Word who brings salvation and we entrust our lives into her care so that we might be formed into the likeness of her Son and share his mission of bringing the Reign of God into the lives of those who hunger for the peace, justice and freedom that are found in God alone.