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E-Books in Thai Language   ก - ฮ 


Manage Your Career: 10 Keys to Survival and Success When Interviewing and on the Job

Sathe, Vijay
Business Expert Press , 2008 ; English ; 212 Pages

Manage Your Career: 10 Keys to Survival and Success When Interviewing and on the Job is a unique guide to creating a thriving career, no matter what stage your career path is in. It outlines 10 Keys which engage you in creating your own success in any organizational culture. You can take the necessary steps toward sustaining the quality of your career, and this book is your guide. 

Managing International Business in Relation-Based versus Rule-Based Countries

Li, Shaomin
Business Expert Press , 2009 ; English ; 156 Pages

Most executives and business students are familiar with how the rule-based system functions; few understand how relation-based system works (which accounts for the majority of the countries in the world). Many dismiss it as backwards and attribute it to cultural traditions and norms (such as the Chinese guanxi tradition). This book dispels these myths and shows that people rely on the relation-based system not owing to specific cultural factors, but because of the stage of development in these countries. When the market is limited in scale and informal networks are thick, the relation-based system can be quite effective and efficient. The author applies this line of thinking to explain why business practices differ and how business people should interact across the two governance systems. 

Managing Investor Relations: Strategies for Effective Communication

Laskin, Alexander
Business Expert Press , 2010 ; English ; 101 Pages

This book will examine the profession of investor relations from the practical standpoint. The book will define what investor relations is, what investor relations professionals do, what skills and competencies are required to become a successful investor relations practitioner and, finally, how to outsource investor relations services.

Managing Sustainable Tourism : A Legacy for the Future

By: Edgell, David L.
Published in: 2016,eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

Managing Your Intellectual Property Assets

Shane, Scott
Business Expert Press , 2008 ; English ; 74 Pages

This book outlines and illustrates strategies that you must employ to protect your intellectual property. There are legal means available to you, and this book defines these means and explains them in plain language. If you want to protect your innovative product and service from your competition this book shows you how. 

Marketing Strategy in Play: Questioning to Create Difference

Hill, Mark E.
Business Expert Press , 2010 ; English ; 80 Pages

When marketers have a clear focus on the true task confronting them and are effective at it, then competition becomes a nonissue. What is the true task that alleviates the need for competition? Thinking about thinking is the process that challenges how we think about marketing and competition. The ideas presented in Marketing Strategy in Play: Questioning to Create Difference explain marketing thinking, how to cultivate it, and, ultimately, the ways in which marketplace differences are created. 

Mergers and Acquisitions: Turmoil in Top Management Teams

Krug, Jeffrey A.
Business Expert Press , 2009 ; English ; 146 Pages

Mergers and acquisitions can be tumultuous for executives. Target companies can expect to lose close to 40 percent of their top management team within two years after acquisition. Executives who stay often lose status and autonomy and view their company’s acquisition as detrimental to themselves both personally and professionally. It is common for acquiring firms to replace target executives with their own shortly after an acquisition. The evidence, however, shows clearly that doing so leads to lower target company performance.


Metrolingualism : Language in the City

By: Alastair Pennycook;Emi Otsuji
Published in: 2015,eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)